So much bizarre street life lately. Waa maxay sababta hadda? So yes, I saw some pretty ugly sides of myself. It's actually quite beautiful as it echoes through the canyons. In yar ayaa u baahan xittaa dheer.
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A nice man at a party last night was talking to Sarah and I about how certain progressive internet business models work in terms of copyright lawsuits and file sharing.
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Oh, I've explained this all pretty badly haven't I Does dominion mean "these things are our possessions over which we have total command to do whatever we want" or does it mean "thoughtful stewardship"? People who are truly impractical understand fully what it is to be practical, they have digested, adopted, and diffused those attributes into their being.
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If we take John and Yoko as one unit and Apple Computers as another, we can intuit the many levels of friction and harmony that this bizarre but not entirely inane juxtaposition creates.
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I mean really, have you seen the way they arrange their molecules? And yes, after the third hour passed, I was able to be objective.
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